YUPAD Calculator

During this period the project team has created YUPAD Calculator – a tailored platform that gathers input from young people on policy priorities, expected outcomes, and their preferences for concrete projects in a city. The Calculator is published on www.yupad.net


The team also developed Training Curricula for Educators and Policy Makers based on the good practices showcased in the previous phase is developed and will be piloted by the project partners. The curricula will serve to develop a set of capacity-building activities adapted to the needs of the target groups (youth, educators, local authorities, and community of practice as a whole).


Generated YUPAD Bees are the next step in creation of the system that provides methodology for development of concrete projects or initiatives suggested within the YUPAD Calculator. Through this methodology young people and their educators have a step-by-step approach on how to develop and present a proposal to policy makers, other young people and relevant stakeholders in the community.